Welcome Eve's Tickler

Tickler Today :

    2003/5/7                                                       (Wed)                                                  Rainy and windless

     Felling dizzy while going to have a night snack with Dr. Yu and classmates. Then I'm wondering is it not suitable for me to sleep less. I think I can't become an outstanding person temporarily, and also need physical satisfaction more than metal. What a pity! Right? 

     Therefore, I am going to sleep now and earlier in order to get a physical satisfaction temporarily. haha...

     (Ar yan! Why I cannot call you after school? We want you to have a snack with Dr. Yu....)

作為人類, 群體生活是無可避免的, 當你能洽當地處理好, 你便成為一個成功的人類.


比喻一個不如一個. 無名氏著<<聖宋掇遺>>上說: 宋朝陶穀吳越, 吳越王錢俶設宴招待. 因他喜歡吃蟹, 主人便羅列從大到小的十多種螃蟹. 陶穀笑著說: "真所謂一蟹不如一蟹."


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