Welcome Eve's Tickler

Tickler Today :

    2003/5/26                                                         (Tue)                                                  Fine and Hot

   Today, my company begin to needn't wearing face mark in the common days unless race days because of less staff. It will be implemented until the end of this race season.

   Today, I found to be fair is so happy thing for an employee.

   Today, I found the food in my lunch box is not enough because I was so hungry in the afternoon.

   Today, I couldn't have dinner because no body could be an accompanist but have a night snack at home.

   Tonight, I could see all of my families, which haven't sleep before I go to bed.

   So, I'm a lucky guy today.

人與人之間的相處在乎自然與舒暢, 不用偽裝自己。


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