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Tickler Today :

    2003/5/3                                                               (Sat)                                                            Rainy

          Higher IQ is extremely an advantageous position in studying. However, there is not everyone has high IQ, therefore, when we have no great wisdom, we should practice our EQ. With high EQ, we also have chance to study well. I'm no smart, but I do have good emotion quotient. I don't think if we try everything best and by heart, we will make things bad.

     Furthermore, I can see people own different talents, a person doses a thing not good, but while he/she doses another thing, he/she will do it well. There are many sides of a human; we can't look down on ourselves.


涇,渭: 涇水, 渭水, 兩河發源於甘肅, 流經陝西合流後入黃河. 相傳涇水清澈,渭水渾濁. 比喻人品的清濁好壞有明顯的差別.


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