Welcome Eve's Tickler

Tickler Today :

    2003/6/20                                               .            (Fri)                                                        Cloudy and Hot

     Today is my elder nephew's 2 years birthday. I'm so busy these day, so I forgot to buy birthday present to him. Finally I can only give him a lucky pocket money then his mother can buy some things he like for him. I think he will get some chocolates and the toy cars.

     Go for a drink with the friends of student union in a bar tonight. I can see they are not the bad people which just not too many things to do with. I think they are lucky because they need not to be burdened for many responsibilities. 

     Ricky can have a drink with his dream girl--Kristy tonight, hope he will treasure this chance!!!

 很多始料未及的事都可能發生, 所以人要有懂得適應及作出應變的能力!


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