Welcome Eve's Tickler

Tickler Today :

    2003/6/19                                               .            (Thu)                                                        Sunny and Hot

     Tonight, a big brother of our AB invited us to have a meal in MongKok.

     Today, after the last tutorial lesson this term for the daughter of my uncle, I found I would earn less and not too much thing to do in the coming summer. I had better to find something to do with.

     Seems that I'm not used to stay HK for a whole summer because in two summers before, I jointed the summer course and went out for a long time. I hope I won't waste my treasury summer time.

 收到"黃山一家"之細佬(似阿哥多o的)一份珍貴禮物, 唔知又有o的咩玄機係到呢?! 哈!


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