Tickler Today :
2003/4/29 (Tue) Misty | April | April | April
Feeling is so complicated today. Lots of thing happened in one day, I can imagine there will be more work to do with but not including our homework. Sometimes think those are incurred by myself. If I feel I can't do it, I can reject those firmly. However, being responsible is my one character, I always feel hard to reject others' requirements, I will promise them even though that is so trouble or hard to me. However, some of times, I do think that is a chance for me to do with different aspect, if I reject it, I will miss a chance to train myself. It may not be a bad thing to me. Maybe we can get something different from those opportunities. So, don't be easy to give up a chance, I may not a bad thing to you. Tomorrow never died. |
銀樣鑞槍頭 鑞: 錫和鋁的合金, 顏色和銀相似, 很軟, 可作焊接材料, 通常稱焊錫. 槍: 舊式兵器, 在長柄的一端安有尖利的金屬頭. 顏色同銀一樣的鑞槍頭. 比喻外表好看, 實際上不中用. |
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