Tickler Today :
2003/4/12 (Sat) cloudy | April | April
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 |
29 30
So tired today!!! lacking of sleep last night, lack sufficient rest while working. The sudden prevention policy of my company makes us so inadaptable with, but it is unavoidable to do that. Seeing that quick actions of a company comparing with that the HK government did, I understand something that is people won't do better as more money they are paid. It is because the supervisors of a private company and that of the government department are paid almost same salary, but we can see how the government did, so "quick" actions the government took! No any definite view, can't see what people need and what should they do. However, in this time we can't mind any more about our government did. Just like 梁錦松's events. We have to forget their faults and to support our government and the hospitals in order to gather all power of HK residents to resist for our same enemy--SARS. |
行百里者半九十 : 意指要走一百里路的人, 走了九十里, 只等於是走了五十里. 比喻人做事愈接近成功愈難, 常用於勸勉人做事要堅持到底, 善始善終. |
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