Tickler Today :
2003/4/24 (Thu) Hot and Sunny | April | April | April
Feel happy today, maybe because things gone smoothly, or the lecturer tonight let us earlier depart from school and then we can catch up a 238X bus in time, or maybe the "週期性情緒不穩定症" causes that feeling. Don't know?! Anyway, I feel happy tonight. I was late in the class tonight again. Remember that I have written in someone's souvenir album with that I'm the queen of lateness. He is my classmate of the secondary school, then, he fully agrees with me......... In fact, I'm trying to change this bad habit since I found myself do have it. I'm hardworking with it and for a long time. So, don't give up me and wait for me! I will destroy it one day. Friends, remember that wait for me!!! Tomorrow never died. |
蠅營狗苟 營: 鑽營, 利用手段以達目的. 苟: 隨便, 暫顧一時. 意指像蒼蠅一樣到處鑽營, 像狗一樣卑賤無恥. 形容為一己之私而去做一些卑劣不見得人的事. |
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