Tickler Today :
2003/4/28 (Mon) Hot and Misty | April | April | April
When I was in a hurry to go to my company by MTR this morning, it seems that I met an old friend of my secondary school. Unfortunately, both of us were wearing face mark. We couldn't recognize each other immediately with doubt. Also, I was in a hurry. Never mind, I will prove that without any doubt soon. Sometimes, I'm wondering how much a human can do in her/his life. Although there is an end of a life, time is limited, I think use more 20 years to work hand, I can live with the style I wanted. That seems enough to me. So, a life is limited, if your requirement is limited too, then, you will be satisfied and happy. Tomorrow never died. |
越俎代庖 越: 跨過. 俎: 指樽俎, 古代祭祀時盛酒食的器皿. 庖: 廚子. <<莊子.逍遙遊>>上說: 廚子沒有好好在廚房作飯, 司祭不能放下祭器去替他下廚工作. 比喻超出自己的職務範圍, 去做別人的工作. |
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