Tickler Today :
2003/4/18 (Fri) All day Sunny | April | April
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 |
29 30
At last, I can take a rest today. Although two kids wound around me all the day, I still feel happy. They are my 7-month and 1&5/6-year old nephews. How cute they are?! that makes me can't do anything because I can't see things out of the view of them. So, I still haven't done my homework yet. Maybe it is a excuse. ha...
Recently, I found that I have been growing a wisdom tooth. Does it need to be congratulated. I think not many people will like me that so late to being done that. Never mind lar~~~ can have that will be better than can't. |
一葉知秋 : 宋 唐庚<<文錄>>: "唐人有詩云: '山僧不解數甲子, 一葉落知天下秋.'" 看見一片葉落, 就知道秋天的到來. 比喻從某事的細微跡象, 便可看出事物的發展趨向. |
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