Tickler Today :
2003/4/20 (Sun) Sunny and Hot | April | April | April
China is our motherland; I love her basically, maybe just because I'm Chinese. But sometimes she makes me so disappointed. Her policies to control the people, the methods for handling affairs of many her officials, etc. all those facts we know make me disappointed, feel shame on her. However, take a view of HK officials, I find I love Chinese government more. At least, Chinese government bear to imply what policies they want to do, although those policies are so enforced and sometimes out of human right. Mainland China is so poor all over and too many people, if let our HK officials to govern them, the result will be too horrible to look at. Policies of the government of Mainland China maybe too strict, those of HK should be so loose. If they can be mix and then distribute into 2 portions, HK will be better. Now, what can we do is "save yourself". "自求多福"! |
舊瓶裝新酒 : <<新約.馬太福音>>第九章: "耶穌說: 沒有人把新酒裝在舊皮袋裡,若是這樣, 皮袋就裂開, 酒漏出來, 連皮袋也壞了. 唯有把新酒裝在新皮袋裡, 兩樣都保住了." "五四"新文學運動中, 提倡白話文學的人認為文言和舊形式不能表現新內容, 常用"舊瓶裝新酒"作比喻. 現在用時只取宇面意, 指用舊形式來表現新的內容. |
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