Tickler Today :
2003/4/27 (Sun) Hot and windy | April | April | April
Because of living in a single-parent family and mother just is a worker paid about $6000 a month, I'm not rich. Therefore, I won't waste my money on things, which don't need urgently or just buying for pleasure since I understand how toiling mother is. These days, fortunately, I got a quite good-paid part-time job, So, I can pay for the school fee by myself and save as possible as how I can save. Many times, I want to repay mother immediately, but I can't because it is not a wish of mother. She never wishes me to live a life like her instead of repaying her. Besides, getting happiness doesn't need too much money. Sometimes I will spend a little money on entertainments, such as watching a movies or play games in Jumpin Gym (冒險樂園). Those things are enough for me to getting relaxed and happiness. I won't thirst for what I can't afford now. I think happiness is spending on things, which we can afford. But I believe there is one day I can repay mother not just money, and also happiness. Tomorrow never died. |
桃李不言, 下自成蹊 蹊: 小路. <<史記.李將軍列傳>>: "諺曰: 桃李不言. 下自成蹊, 此言雖小, 可以喻大也." 司馬貞索隱: "桃李不能言, 但以華(花)實感物, 故人不期而往, 其下自成蹊徑也." 比喻人只要真誠, 忠實, 就自然會感動人, 受到尊敬. |
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