Education Exchanging Program of school in the summer of 2002

再次參與交流計劃, 2002年暑假

      After finishing the exchanging program, we went to the capital of our country--Beijing immediately.

早上5點多, 於天安門觀看完升旗儀式後, 跟隨列隊隊伍拍照, 但由於他們的速度實在太快, 我們不得不                連追帶跑跟上前狼狽地拍了一張照片! yeah~~~~~ sure win!


                                       Beijing Tian An Men

北京天安門上的一個垃圾佬, 同行的惟一一位男性, 負起擔擔抬抬的責任.


3 Chinese girls and 1 Japanese girl become the good friend in a month. We learnt lots of Japanese language. 

上海夜景, 由對岸觀看上海灘夜景, 上一年的上海灘夜景比這一年漂亮很多,                   

欠缺了射燈, 的確令此景失色不少.