Education Exchanging Program of school in the summer of 2001
交流計劃 2001年暑假
Jointed the exchanging program of school, gone to the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.
2001年暑假, 中山北一路369號, 上海財經大學留學生部, 留下許多美好的回憶.
Taking photos in front of Shanghai Stock Exchange, students of Chuhai, do you know them?
全團團員大合照, 當時剛剛參觀完上海證券交易所, 於大門拍照留念, 位於中間的正是我們心愛的霍老師(上海)
Seeing how they are working for producing cars, seeing the process of making a car in a car factory.
參觀上海大通車廠, 與一輛老老老爺車合照.
Going to visit a steel factory in Shanghai, there are several process of making steel behind us.
參觀上海聞名的鋼鐵廠, 好大, 好熱, 要戴藤帽保護自己. (四個村姑?!)
Traveling to Shuzhou, Hangzhou while the weekends of the period of exchanging.
HuangShan is a very beautiful mountain of China, full of mist just like stay in the paradise.
黃山腳下四大美女. 黃山: 一個很值得去遊山玩水的好地方.
The most famous and beautiful church in Shanghai
上海靚人靚景之拍照留念, 身後係一座大教堂.